Who We Help

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Proven Outcomes

Motov8 prides itself on presenting talks that are highly engaging but not hyped up like a lot of motivational presentations tend to be. Our presentations leave participants with clear insight and instruction that they can then take and apply into everyday life.

Our outcomes are taken from data collected from a combination of teachers, students and parents of students.

Sense of Personnel Empowerment

The idea for starting a motivational service for boys came while John was working with young riders at a MotoGP event in 2009. He was thinking about the principles of racing that the top riders use and realised that they don’t just apply to the race track but that they translate well to everyday life.

Upon returning home he met with a few school principals and community leaders and set about turning the idea into a reality.

Anticipated Results

Our outcomes are taken from data collected from a combination of teachers, students and parents of students. If you want to customise your own Motov8 experience then please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas with us through an email and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate your request.

  • Greater ability to make smarter choices
  • Greater ability to self reflect
  • Greater sense of personnel empowerment
  • Greater sense of connectedness to the school
  • Greater conflict resolution skills.
  • Greater respect for themselves

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