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Who This Is For

Can be run in local community center, schools or sporting clubs.


Boys 11-17

Raging Bull breaks down male anger in a way that boys understand and leaves them with a clear plan of action to act on in emotionally charged moments. The content teaches them how to take ownership and responsibility for their thoughts and actions when provoked to anger.



I speak to hundreds of parents each year who are literaly pulling their hair out over incidents at home or while out socially and the phone calls from the school regarding their sons anger. I find that parents are confused about how to address this topic and often end up traumatised by the daily occurrences and spot fires that they have to put out. Parents can sometimes be adding to the tension and not even know that they’re doing it. Raging Bull is for both parents and their sons to attend together, we drill down into some confronting detail and we do it in a way that’s pulls no punches.



The Raging Bull can be tailered to fit within a double period for a group of 30 to 150 or a 30min whole school assembly presentation. Schools often book this seminar to be delivered 3 times in the one day so that all year levels get the opportunity to experience it.


Sporting Clubs

Weather you’re looking for a presentation to help you boys stay on track in life or something little different that will teach your boys how apply winning strategies from another sport the Ride of Life will do it. The stories, the images and the powerful principles not to mention the awesome motorcycles will ensure that they are engaged the whole time.

What It Will Cover

In this presentation John shares his insights and experience on male anger, he does this in a way that brings parents and their boys together to face the cold hard facts of the whats going on in their lives.

Raging Bull is a hard hitting presentation that pulls no punches and leaves an lasting impact on the parents and young people who attend. This presentation can be tailored to work with Grade 5/6 or Year 7/12 boys and can be run in large, medium or small group settings.

Play video to see John explain what you can expect at the next Raging Bull seminar.

  • Understanding the characteristics of anger
  • The power of angry words
  • How emotional moments work
  • Taking ownership of your anger
  • Coping strategies that work
  • How to redirect anger
  • Parenting past the pain

A little about me

Im a youth specialist with 26+ years of working with young people and parents in various roles and variety of enviroments. I’m passionate about helping young people make smarter more informed decisions and through Motov8 have had the opportunity to work with thousands of young people in hundreds of schools across Australia.

John McMahon aka “The Rev” is the founder and director of Motov8.

John is a youth specialist with a passionate desire to inspire, inform and instruct young people to discover, live and fulfill their dreams. To help them expand those dreams to be about something bigger than themselves, so that they can add value to their world. In his presentations he draws upon stories and experiences from his teenage years, being someone who himself made choices that saw his life go completely of track. These shared experiences help make a significant connection with his audience and bring them to a place where they’re ready to be informed and instructed.

Why Boys?

Because there s a huge need for programs and services for boys that really grabs their attention and addresses some of the more challenging issues they face. Because the medium we use (motorcycles) is generally a lot more suited to boys, the visual and hands elements of our seminars connect the dots in their minds.

The Concept

The idea for starting a motivational service for boys came while John was working with young riders at a MotoGP event in 2009. He was thinking about the principles of racing that the top riders use and realised that they don’t just apply to the race track but that they translate well to everyday life. Upon returning home he met with a few school principals and community leaders and set about turning the idea into a reality.

Why is John called “The Rev”?

The Rev is a nick name that was given to John as he was a chaplain to MotoGP and loved to ride fast bikes so the nickname was given and has followed him across the country ever since. The funny thing is that he’s been called Rev for so long now that he often doesn’t answer to John when called it.

Three words that describe The Rev: Passionate, dynamic and engaging.

Motivational Speaker

The Rev is an in demand presenter who has worked with many organisations across Australia in a wide variety of settings. Over the years he has developed a unique communication style which takes principles from motorcycle racing and turns them into powerful analogies for life. Motov8 presentations help young people to understand where they might be going wrong with things and shows them how they can make the necessary changes in order to get going again in the right direction.



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